Sturgis Bank

Sponsorships and Donations

Sturgis Bank believes in helping our communities grow and thrive. We are always open to requests to sponsor organizations, activities, programs and events that support our communities.

We appreciate your understanding that we are not able to fulfill all requests, so be sure to review the following eligibility guidelines, which help us focus our support where it will do the most good in our hometowns.

Before requesting a donation or sponsorship, please make sure your request is related to Sturgis Bank's priorities:

  • Arts and Culture 
  • Economic Development
  • Education
  • Health Services and Research
  • Housing
  • Human Services
  • Non-Profit Organizations

We consider requests on a rolling basis all year long. Expect it to take about two to three weeks for us to review your request. Decisions are made locally, by people in our hometown locations.

  • Contribution Request Form

  • Person Requesting Funds

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