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The "Extra Mile" Mortgage: How Sturgis Bank Helped Me Close Under Pressure

The "Extra Mile" Mortgage: How Sturgis Bank Helped Me Close Under Pressure

Yvonne Banfield has deep roots in the greater Marshall, Michigan community. Her grandparents owned the downtown Rexall Drugstore which has been in operation since 1936, and she has founded and managed several businesses in Marshall. After living out-of-state for a few years, she recently moved back home to start a new business.


Why did you choose Sturgis Bank?

“When I decided to move back home, I called the local lender for help with a mortgage. Due to the housing market in 2022, I bought a condo sight unseen in Michigan right when a hurricane came through where I was living in Florida.  The Sturgis Bank team stood out and went the extra mile for me, pulling everything together for me in a very short time frame, just a few weeks to close.”


What stood out to you about Sturgis Bank’s customer service?

“My lender was just phenomenal. Her attitude was ‘let’s get this done for you so you can move home.’ She was so patient, while having to scramble because of delays due to the situation in Florida.  She went over and above to get me through the process and make our close date. It was hometown customer service that you’re not going to get from a big lender. They wouldn’t offer to help like the team at Sturgis Bank did.”


What would you say to a peer considering a move to Sturgis Bank?

“When I walk into the Marshall Banking Center, it feels so homey.  I’m greeted by people with huge smiles. It’s a super nice feeling to have one-on-one attention. Other banks would put me on hold, or send me to the website or a call center out of country, when I was on the phone for an hour or more. At Sturgis Bank, they know me by name and are there to help.”

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